How to Store and Maintain a Foldable Mini Trampoline?

As an avid mini trampoline user, proper storage and maintenance of my foldable trampoline is essential to keep it in good shape. Over the years, I’ve picked up useful tips and tricks to increase the lifespan of my mini trampoline.

In this blog, I’ll share how I store my trampoline when not in use and routinely maintain it.

How I Choose the Right Storage Spot

Selecting the ideal spot to store my foldable trampoline when I’m not bouncing on it is crucial to protect it from damage. Here are the key factors I consider when deciding where to store it:

I Prefer Storing It Indoors

Keeping my trampoline indoors – like in the garage or a large closet – ensures it stays protected from harsh outdoor elements. Exposure to high heat, rains, winds and UV rays can cause the mat fabric to degrade and the frame to corrode over time. I once made the mistake of leaving my trampoline outside in the yard, only to find the mat mouldy and springs rusted after a few rainy months!

So now, I always store it inside the house where it lasts much longer. I make sure the room has enough ventilation and sunlight doesn’t directly hit the trampoline.

Accessibility is Important

I ensure my foldable trampoline is stored in a spot that’s easy to access whenever I want to take it out and set it up. When we have house guests with kids visiting, I simply unlock the garage door and drag out the trampoline for the kids to jump on in the backyard. After they are done playing for the day, I fold it right back up and return it to the garage. Keeping it in an accessible spot allows me to use the trampoline frequently without much hassle.

I Keep It Locked for Safety

Since I have young kids at home, I always keep the trampoline locked away in a closet or the garage whenever it’s not in use. I don’t want the kids dragging it out and jumping without adult supervision, as that poses a major safety hazard. They could easily lose balance and get injured. So for me, storing it in a locked, inaccessible spot is non-negotiable.

How I Clean the Mat Thoroughly

Before I fold up my trampoline for storage, I make sure to thoroughly clean the mat. This removes any dirt, leaves, moisture and debris that may have collected on the jumping surface. Here are the steps I follow to clean the mat:

Removing Debris and Dirt

First, I use a soft-bristled cleaning brush to gently remove any dried leaves, dirt particles or other debris stuck to the mat. I never use a stiff scrub brush or broom, as those can end up damaging the stitching or fabric.

Washing with a Mild Soap Solution

Next, I fill a bucket with warm water and mix in a small amount of mild laundry detergent. Using a soft sponge, I gently scrub the entire mat surface – focusing on any visibly dirty spots – and let the soapy solution soak for 5 minutes. This loosens up any sweat, oils or food stains.

Rinsing Completely

Once I’m done scrubbing with soap, I take my garden hose and spray down the trampoline mat with clean water. I repeatedly rinse the mat until all soapy residue washes off completely. This prevents dirt sticking again due to leftover soap.

Air Drying the Mat

After a thorough rinse, I wipe any pooled water off the mat using old towels. Then I leave the wet mat open in the sun to air dry completely before storage. I never fold and store the mat while still moist, as that breeds nasty moulds!

Occasional Disinfecting

Once every 2-3 months, I disinfect the entire surface using a bleach-water solution. This kills any germs and ensures my family jumps on a hygienic trampoline. But I dilute the bleach well so it doesn’t damage the fabric.

How I Store My Trampoline Properly

Once my trampoline mat is cleaned and fully dry, it’s time to store it away. I make sure to fold and cover it correctly so it stays protected from humidity, pests and accidents. Here are the steps I follow:

Folding Up the Mat

First, I fold the mat in half along the width. Then I fold this half into thirds along the length, similar to folding a letter-sized paper. This makes the mat take up minimal space.

Disassembling the Frame

My trampoline frame can be quickly disassembled into 5 separate pieces for easy storage. I start by detaching the legs from the frame, unscrewing them at the joints. Then I detach the frame sections from each other by unscrewing them at the middle.

Placing the Mat on Top

I place the folded trampoline mat on top of the disassembled frame pieces. This way the mat and frame become one compact unit rather than loose awkward parts.

Carrying It to the Storage Spot

Depending on the weight of my trampoline, I either carry it directly to the storage spot or use a hand truck to avoid dragging it. Dragging can scratch my wooden floor.

Covering Securely

Before I leave the trampoline in storage, I make sure it’s fully covered with a plastic sheet or tarpaulin. This creates a moisture barrier and keeps dust from settling on the mat.

How I Maintain My Trampoline

To keep my foldable trampoline in tiptop shape, I follow these maintenance practices:

Monthly Inspections

Once every month, I inspect the frame, legs, springs, hooks and mat for any signs of wear and tear. I look for rust, dents, breakage, holes, loosening, etc. Early detection of flaws allows me to repair or replace parts promptly.

Tightening Loose Parts

During the inspections, I tighten any nuts, bolts or hooks that have become loose using the right tools. I also re-adjust any stretched spring loops to maintain optimal bounce.

Mat Patching

If I notice any tears, punctures or holes on the mat, I immediately patch them up using a trampoline mat repair kit. Leaving rips unrepaired worsens the damage as the fabric frays more with use.

Testing Bounce

I always test the bounce of my trampoline before letting anyone use it, especially kids. I jump on it myself first to ensure the springs and mat give an even, snug bounce across the surface. If the bounce feels too loose or uneven, I make adjustments.

Replacing Damaged Parts

For any badly corroded frame sections, torn mat edges or broken springs that can’t be repaired, I replace those parts right away. Using damaged parts is unsafe and can cause accidents.

Deep Cleaning

Every 4-5 months, I do a deep cleaning of the entire trampoline to keep it hygienic – I scrub the mat, disinfect the frame, wash the springs and padding. This removes built-up grime.

Key Takeaways

Maintaining my foldable mini trampoline well is just as important as storing it properly. Here are the crucial tips I wanted to share:

  • I always store it folded up and covered indoors to protect from weather damage
  • I clean the mat thoroughly before storage to avoid moulds
  • I disassemble the frame and place mat on top before storing to save space
  • I inspect for flaws monthly and fix issues immediately
  • Testing bounce and replacing damaged parts is vital for safety
  • Deep cleaning every few months keeps it hygienic

I hope these first-hand tips on storing and maintaining my own mini trampoline are helpful for you too! Let me know in the comments if you have any other great storage or maintenance hacks I should try.

M Waqas Saeed
M Waqas Saeed

Hi, I'm M Waqas Saeed. I'm a fitness enthusiast and researcher with a strong background in athletic training and a degree in sports science. I have a passion for finding the best exercise equipment for adults and have spent countless hours studying the benefits of mini trampolines for adults and the various models on the market. I am excited to share my knowledge and experience with my website visitors and provide them with accurate and reliable information about mini trampolines. In addition to my expertise in mini trampolines, I also have a wealth of knowledge about other types of fitness equipment and am always looking for ways to help others improve their health and wellness. Thank you for visiting my website and I hope the information I provide helps you make an informed decision about your own fitness journey.

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